§ 3-6-63.1. Annual regulatory fee.  

Latest version.
  • Every person or firm operating a toll bridge company in Charlotte County shall pay annually to the board of county commissioners on or before the first day of October a regulatory fee for the purpose of defraying the county expense of regulation including financial review and bridge inspection. The regulatory fee shall be equal to five (5) percent of the annual gross revenues derived from bridge tolls. "Annual gross revenues" for the purpose of this section means the greater of the amount reported by the company in its most recent annual report containing annual gross revenues for the company's most recently completed fiscal year, or the amount of company gross estimated by the county based upon the best evidence available, including counts of the bridge traffic, for the most recently completed calendar year.

(Ord. No. 88-23, § 3, 7-19-88)

Editor's note

Ordinance No. 88-23, § 3, adopted July 19, 1988, amended this article by adding provisions designated by the editor as § 3-6-63.1.

Cross reference

Appropriations, § 1-10-349.