§ 3-6-64. Rate changes; due process.  

Latest version.
  • In any application for change of tolls or rates for any bridge company, the following minimum standards shall apply.


    Applications shall be in writing and include at least a statement of the rate base and the elements included in section 3-6-62, signed under oath by a company officer and certified by a certified public accountant licensed in Florida, a statement of the net worth of the company audited and certified by a certified public accountant licensed in Florida, a statement of the profits and losses and a statement in change of financial position of the company for the preceding fiscal year of the company audited and certified by a certified public accountant licensed in Florida, and a signed and sworn statement by an officer of the company as to the traffic county of the number of pedestrians and vehicles passing over the bridge for a twelve-month period preceding the filing of the application.


    The board of county commissioners shall conduct no hearings nor take other action except for the setting of hearings for a period of ninety (90) days following the filing of the application by the company, in order to provide the county reasonable opportunity to inspect and audit the contents of the application and the books and records of the company. For good cause shown to the board of county commissioners by any county officer or employee or upon its own motion, the board may extend its audit period for a period of time reasonably necessary to conduct the tasks for which the extension is granted.


    No order for a change in tolls and rates shall be effective until after a public hearing conducted after fifteen (15) days' notice, published in a newspaper of local circulation.

    The board shall issue its written order authorizing a change in tolls and rates and tariffs within twenty (20) days of any final hearing on rates.


    Attorneys, accountants and other representatives of the county and the applicant may, during any proceeding related to rates, issue written interrogatories, take depositions, and otherwise make full discovery of the matters at issue in accord with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure.

(Ord. No. 87-33, § 4, 8-4-87)