§ 4-7-109. Same—Officers; meetings; alternate members; director; compensation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The elected officers of said board shall be: Chairman, vice chairman, secretary, and treasurer; provided, however, that no one (1) person shall hold more than one (1) such office at the same time. Said officers shall be elected annually from said board by the members thereof. Three (3) members of the board shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of three (3) members shall be necessary to the transaction of business. The chairman shall have the right to vote. Special meetings may be called at any time by the chairman or any other two (2) commissioners. Each member county may, in addition to its designated commission member, designate an alternate commission member who shall be authorized to attend all board meetings and other district-approved activities and participate in board deliberations, but who shall not be authorized to vote except in case of the absence of the designated member. Each designated alternate commission member shall be a member of the board of county commissioners of the county incorporated in the district he represents on the district board.


    The board may from time to time provide for the office of executive director and when such office is provided for may employ some qualified person to act in such capacity, and by resolution shall define the term and duties of such office. The executive director when so appointed shall be the assistant secretary of the board and as such shall be the official custodian of the minute books, records, maps, seal, and other properties and records of the district. Such officer shall be authorized to affix the official seal of the district to its legal documents and to certify copies of any official proceedings of the district.


    The district is authorized to pay all reasonable expenses incurred by its board members or designated alternate members in the fulfillment of their duties as members of the board, but no member of said board or designated alternate member shall receive any compensation beyond reimbursement for reasonable expenses.

(Laws of Fla., Ch. 61-1590, § 5; Laws of Fla., Ch. 79-435, § 3; Laws of Fla., Ch. 81-337, § 1)