§ 4-7-108. Governing body—Generally.  

Latest version.
  • A governing body of said district is hereby created and shall be known as the "Board of Commissioners of [the] West Coast Inland Navigation District," and shall be composed of four (4) members who shall be qualified electors residing in said district, each of whom shall respectively be a member of the board of county commissioners of the county incorporated in the district he represents on said board, and selected in each instance by the several county boards from the membership thereof. Said board shall have all the powers of a body corporate, including the power to sue and be sued as a corporation in its name; to make contracts; to adopt and use a common seal and to alter the same; to buy, acquire by eminent domain, sell, own, lease and convey such real estate or interest therein, and personal property as said board may deem proper to carry out the provisions of this act [this article]; to appoint and employ such engineers, attorneys, agents and employed as said board may require; to borrow money and issue negotiable promissory notes, and other evidences of indebtedness therefor to enable it to carry out the provisions of this act [this article], and generally to do and perform all things necessary to accomplish the purposes of this act [this article].

(Laws of Fla., Ch. 61-1590, § 4; Laws of Fla., Ch. 79-435, § 3; Laws of Fla., Ch. 81-337, § 1)