§ 4-4-34. Customer petitions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Petitions submitted to the governing body by customers alleging that the rates, fees or charges of a franchisee are unjust, unreasonable, unfairly discriminatory, or noncompensatory shall be filed with the county environmental and extension services department.


    All petitions requesting the initiation of a public hearing shall be signed and contain:


    The name and address of the petitioner(s);


    A short, concise statement of the facts which entitle the petitioner to relief and the grounds therefor;


    A demand for relief; and


    Other information or documents which support the demand for relief.


    Petitioners shall have the burden of proof in support of their demand for relief.


    Copies of any petition received by the county environmental and extension services department shall be provided to the franchisee within fifteen (15) days.


    Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a signed customer petition, the director of the environmental and extension services department shall make a recommendation to the governing body concerning whether the facts contained in the petition warrant the convening of a public hearing. The governing body's decision concerning the convening of a public hearing upon receipt of a customer petition shall be made promptly upon receipt of the director's recommendation.

(Ord. No. 2004-006, § 1, 2-10-04)