§ 4-1-2. General provisions  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Creation of assessment areas.


    The board is hereby authorized to create assessment areas in accordance with the procedures set forth herein to include property located within the county that is specially benefitted by the services, facilities, programs, or local improvements proposed for funding from the proceeds of assessments to be imposed therein.


    Either the initial assessment resolution proposing each assessment area or the final assessment resolution creating each assessment area shall include brief descriptions of the proposed services, facilities, programs, or local improvements, a description of the property to be included within the assessment area, and specific legislative findings that recognize the special benefit to be provided by each proposed service, facility, program, or local improvements to property within the assessment area.


    At its option, the board may establish a process pursuant to which the owners of property may petition for creation of an assessment area to fund services, facilities, programs, or local improvements. Notwithstanding any petition process established pursuant to this section, the board shall retain the authority to create assessment areas without a landowner petition.


    Revisions to assessments. If any assessment made under the provisions of this article is either in whole or in part annulled, vacated, or set aside by the judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, or if the board is satisfied that any such assessment is so irregular or defective that the same cannot be enforced or collected, or if the board has omitted to include any property on the assessment roll which property should have been so included, the board may take all necessary steps to impose a new assessment against any property benefited by the service costs, capital costs or project costs, following as nearly as may be practicable, the provisions of this article, and in case such second assessment is annulled, vacated, or set aside, the board may obtain and impose other assessments until a valid assessment is imposed.


    Procedural irregularities . Any informality or irregularity in the proceedings in connection with the levy of any assessment under the provisions of this article shall not affect the validity of the same after the approval thereof, and any assessment, as finally approved, shall be competent and sufficient evidence that such assessment was duly levied, that the assessment was duly made and adopted, and that all other proceedings adequate to such assessment were duly had, taken, and performed as required by this article; and no variance from the directions hereunder shall be held material unless it be clearly shown that the party objecting was materially injured thereby. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, any party objecting to an assessment imposed pursuant to this article must file an objection with a court of competent jurisdiction within the time periods prescribed herein.


    Correction of errors and omissions.


    No act of error or omission on the part of the property appraiser, tax collector, county administrator, county commission, their deputies, employees, or designees, shall operate to release or discharge any obligation for payment of an assessment imposed by the board under the provision of this article.


    When it shall appear that any assessment should have been imposed under this article against a lot or parcel of property specially benefited by the provision of a service, facility, program, or local improvement, but such property was omitted from the assessment roll, the board may, upon provision of appropriate notice as set forth in this article, impose the applicable assessment for the fiscal year in which such error is discovered. Such total assessment shall become delinquent if not fully paid upon the expiration of sixty (60) days from the date of the adoption of said resolution. The assessment so imposed shall constitute a lien against such property equal in rank and dignity with the liens of all state, county, district, or municipal taxes and special assessments, and superior in rank and dignity to all other prior liens, mortgages, titles and claims in and to or against the real property involved and may be collected as provided in article VI hereof.


    The county administrator shall have the authority at any time, upon his or her own initiative or in response to a timely filed petition from the owner of any assessed property, to correct any error in applying the assessment apportionment method to any particular property not otherwise requiring the provision of notice pursuant to the Uniform Assessment Collection Act. Any such correction that reduces an assessment shall be considered valid ab initio and shall in no way affect the enforcement of the assessment imposed under the provisions of this article. Any such correction which increases an assessment or imposes an assessment on omitted property shall first require notice to the affected owner in the manner described in sections 4-1-3(e) and 4-1-4(e) hereof, as applicable, providing the date, time and place that the board will consider confirming the correction and offering the owner an opportunity to be heard. All requests from affected property owners for any such changes, modifications or corrections shall be referred to, and processed by, the county administrator and not the property appraiser or tax collector.


    After the assessment roll has been delivered to the tax collector in accordance with the Uniform Assessment Collection Act, any changes, modifications, or corrections thereto shall be made in accordance with the procedures applicable to correcting errors and insolvencies on the tax roll upon timely written request and direction of the county administrator.


    Lien of assessments.


    Upon the adoption of the assessment roll, all assessments shall constitute a lien against such property equal in rank and dignity with the liens of all state, county, district, or municipal taxes and special assessments. Except as otherwise provided by law, such lien shall be superior in dignity to all other prior liens, mortgages, titles, and claims, until paid.


    The lien for an assessment shall be deemed perfected upon adoption by the board of the final assessment resolution or the annual rate resolution, whichever is applicable. The lien for an assessment collected under the Uniform Assessment Collection Act shall attach to the property as provided by law. The lien for an assessment collected under the alternative method of collection provided in section 4-1-5(b) shall be deemed perfected upon adoption by the board of the final assessment resolution or the annual rate resolution, whichever is applicable, and shall attach to the property on such date of adoption.


    Authorization for exemptions and hardship assistance.


    The board, in its sole discretion, may determine whether to provide exemptions from payment of an assessment for government property or other property whose use is wholly or partially exempt from ad valorem taxation under Florida law.


    The board, in its sole discretion, may determine whether to provide a program of hardship assistance, either through monetary contributions or extended payment terms, to county residents who are living below or close to the poverty level and are at risk of losing title to their homes as a result of the imposition of an assessment.


    The board shall designate the funds available to provide any exemptions or hardship assistance. The provision of an exemption or hardship assistance in any one (1) year shall in no way establish a right or entitlement to such exemption or assistance in any subsequent year and the provision of funds in any year may be limited to the extent funds are available and appropriated by the board. Any funds designated for exemptions or hardship assistance shall be paid by the county from funds other than those generated by the assessment.


    Any shortfall in the expected assessment proceeds due to any hardship assistance or exemption from payment of the assessments required by law or authorized by the board shall be supplemented by any legally available funds, or combination of such funds, and shall not be paid for by proceeds or funds derived from the assessments. In the event a court of competent jurisdiction determines any exemption or reduction by the board is improper or otherwise adversely affects the validity of the assessment imposed for any fiscal year, the sole and exclusive remedy shall be the imposition of an assessment upon each affected tax parcel in the amount of the assessment that would have been otherwise imposed save for such reduction or exemption afforded to such tax parcel by the board.

(Ord. No. 2016-019, Art. II, 4-12-16)