§ 3-9-79. Off-street parking and loading facilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Intent. The intent and purpose of this section is to ensure that all development provides for adequate storage and safe movement of vehicles in a manner consistent with the best practices of engineering and site design. This section is intended to require all uses to provide off-street parking on the premises it is intended to serve.




    New development. All uses shall be required to provide off-street parking in accordance with the provisions of this section.


    Expansion of existing uses. Existing buildings or uses which are enlarged in terms of floor area or seating capacity shall, if necessary, provide additional parking spaces for the additional floor area or seating capacity in accordance with this section. Existing buildings and uses which have existing off-street parking spaces may be modernized, altered, or repaired without providing additional parking spaces, provided there is no increase in total floor area or capacity. This subsection does not apply to increased seating capacity in a shopping center.


    Change of use. Any change in use of an existing building or unit thereof shall require additional off-street parking and off-street loading facilities for the new use in accordance with the requirements of this section unless:


    The building, unit thereof, or use is located in a shopping center or an area with non-assigned common parking by deed or common public parking on a county right-of-way.


    The building, unit thereof, or use is less than two thousand (2,000) square feet in floor area.


    The new use has the same parking requirement or a less requirement than the previously existing use.


    Non-conforming parking. Existing parking which does not conform to the standards of this section may not be reduced except through the use of an alternative parking plan as provided in this section.


    Non-parking uses of parking spaces. Except for special events that receive a permit in accordance with the special event permit requirements of this section, required on-site parking spaces shall only be used for parking.


    Definitions. Unless otherwise specifically stated in this section, or unless otherwise clearly indicated by the context, the following terms when used in this section shall have the meanings indicated as follows:


    Park: There are two (2) types of parks, which are active parks and passive parks. Active parks are all recreational parks with the exception of those primarily used as nature trails, mitigation banks, or for environmental study and interpretation. Passive parks are any park facility not defined as an active use park herein.


    Take-out restaurant: Any restaurant that is engaged in preparing and selling food primarily for off-site consumption by patrons. Take-out restaurants may offer limited seating for patrons, but do not typically provide waiter or waitress service. Such establishments may include bagel, coffee, and donut shops; pizzerias and sandwich shops; take-out restaurants; or any similar establishment as determined by the zoning official or his/her designee.




    Number of spaces. When the determination of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this regulation results in a fractional space, the fraction shall be counted as one (1) parking space.


    Floor area. Floor area shall be calculated as the sum of the gross floor area of all floors of a building as measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls. Alternatively, the applicant may measure from the interior face of the exterior walls to arrive at a calculation of floor area provided that the applicant submits an affidavit, certified by a registered architect or licensed professional engineer, as to its accuracy.


    Multiple and accessory uses. If a site contains multiple uses that could each be considered principal uses, parking shall be provided for each use listed in the table.


    General requirements. Off-street parking shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the table below unless an adjustment to the parking requirement as permitted by this section is approved by the zoning official or his/her designee. Where a use not specifically listed in this section, the zoning official shall determine the applicable parking requirements and, in doing so, shall take into consideration development type(s) most similar to the proposed development and any parking study prepared in accordance with the requirements of this section.

    Adjustments to parking requirements:


    The required number of off-street parking spaces may be reduced by not more than ten (10) percent of the total required number of off-street parking spaces where necessary to preserve existing trees in accordance with the standards of section 3-9-100.3, tree requirements. This reduction in parking may be authorized by the zoning official or his/her designee. Any applicant seeking a reduction shall submit a site plan illustrating the improvements, parking area, and locations, sizes, and types of trees to be preserved. A narrative describing in significant detail the measures to be taken to ensure the survivability of the trees shall accompany the site plan. The zoning official or his/her designee shall review the submission and render a determination on the requested reduction. An appeal of this determination shall be heard by the board of zoning appeals pursuant to section 3-9-6.1, administrative appeals.


    The required number of off-street parking spaces may be reduced as approved by the county engineer or his/her designee. Any applicant seeking a parking reduction shall submit a parking study prepared by a licensed professional engineer that provides justification for the requested reduction. At a minimum, the parking study shall address, where applicable:


    The type of use(s).


    Total square footage by use(s).


    Estimated time of and number of spaces required at peak parking demand.


    ADA-accessibility requirements.


    Employment characteristics including, but not limited to, total number of employees and the number of employees per shift.


    A description of any factors that may reduce or increase the parking demand

    The applicant may choose to further support the proposed number of parking spaces by providing documentation on the experience of similar uses located in the same or other jurisdictions.

    Use Minimum Off-Street Parking
    1. Art gallery and Museum 1 space/250 square feet of floor area
    2. Auto Body Shop, Automobile Service Station, Automobile Quick Service 4 spaces/service stall plus 1 space/employee (1)
    3. Automotive, Boat, Manufactured Home, Recreational Vehicle Sales or Storage 1 space/400 square feet of building floor area
    4. Bowling Alley 5 spaces/lane plus required parking for any other use on-site
    5. Building Materials/Sales and Garden Center 1 space/300 square feet of floor area
    6. Car Wash 2 spaces/washing stall or space plus drive up facilities
    7. Child Care Center, Preschool/Nursery School 2 spaces/employee (1)
    8. College, University, Trade, Vocational Schools 1 space/employee plus 1 space/2 students
    9. Dry boat storage 1 space/20 storage slips
    10. Essential and Emergency Service Facilities 1 space/employee (1)
    11. Funeral Home and Crematorium 1 space/250 square feet of floor area
    12. Furniture, Appliance, and Floor Covering Stores 1 space/400 square feet of floor area
    13. Golf Course 6 spaces/hole plus required parking for any other use on-site
    14. Health Clubs and Indoor Recreational Facilities (6) 1 space/150 square feet of floor area
    15. Hospital 1 space/bed plus 1 space/3 employees (1)
    16. Indoor or Outdoor Market (7) 1 space/100 square feet of display area
    17. Manufactured Home Park RV Park 2 spaces/manufactured home or RV site plus 1 space/500 square feet of floor area of office, laundry and recreational buildings and the like which are intended for the use by residents only
    18. Manufacturing 1 space/employee (1) plus 5 additional spaces for customers for facilities over 3,000 square feet
    19. Marina 1 space/10 docking slips and required parking for accessory uses
    20. Medical and Dental Offices 1 space/150 square feet of floor area
    21. Mini-warehouse 1 space/6,000 square feet of building floor area
    22. Miniature Golf Course 2 spaces/hole plus required parking for any other use on-site
    23. Model Home (42) 4 spaces/model
    24. Motel and Hotel (3) 1 space/guest room plus 1 space/3 employees (1)
    25. Multifamily Dwelling 1.5 spaces/unit
    26. Nursing Home, LF Group Home 1 space/4 beds
    27. Park 1 space per acre up to the first ten acres and 1 space for each additional 10 acres plus parking required for other recreational uses
    27a. Ball Fields 10 spaces/field
    27b. BMX Track, Playground, Skate Park 1 space/2,000 sq. ft. of park/track area
    27c. Swimming Pool 1 space/250 sq. ft. of pool area
    27d. Tennis, Handball, Racquetball and other Ball Courts 2 spaces/court, plus required parking for any additional uses on-site
    28. Places of Worship (4)(5) 1 space/3 seats in the principal area of assembly (that being the sanctuary chapel area)
    29. Elementary and Middle Schools 1 space employee (1) plus 1 space/40 students
    30. High School 1 space/employee (1) plus 1 space/2 students
    31. Research Laboratory 1 space/500 square feet of floor area
    32. Restaurants, Bars, Cocktail Lounges and Nightclubs 1 space/100 square feet of floor area
    33. Retail Sales and Services, Business Services, Professional Services, Clinics and Medical Laboratories (Includes All Offices, except Medical and Dental Offices) 1 space/200 square feet of floor area
    34. Rooming or Boarding House 1 space/bed
    35. Shopping Center 1 space/200 square feet of floor area when less than 25,000 total square feet; 1 space/250 square feet of floor area between 25,000 square feet or more
    36. Single-family and Duplex dwelling 2 spaces/unit
    37. Take-out Restaurants 1 space/200 square feet of floor area
    38. Theaters, Auditoriums, and Places of Assembly, Private Clubs and Lodges (5) 1 space/3 seats in the principal area of assembly, plus 1 space/employee (1)
    39. Warehouse 1 space/400 square feet of floor area
    40. Wholesale 1 space/1,000 square feet of floor space plus 1 space/company vehicle


    (1) Parking for employees shall be determined based on the number of employees on the largest shift during the site plan review process.

    (2) In accordance with section 3-9-78: Model Homes.

    (3) Motels/hotels with a restaurant or lounge require one (1) additional space/two hundred (200) square feet of restaurant or lounge area. Motels/hotels located within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of an interchange along I-75 shall provide five (5) percent additional spaces with a minimum size of ten (10) feet by forty (40) feet for accommodation of trucks, motor homes, etc.

    (4) Up to seventy (70) percent of the required parking spaces may be surfaced with a durable grass cover. Driveways, handicapped spaces and access aisles shall be paved.

    (5) In the absence of a specified sealing arrangement, the parking ratio shall be computed as every fifteen (15) square feet equals one (1) seat.

    (6) Swimming pools shall be counted as floor area.

    (7) One hundred (100) percent of the overflow parking may be allowed non-paved surface.


    In community redevelopment areas, the off-street parking can be accommodated via public and/or private parking garages. The availability of parking spaces within these garages shall be determined by the zoning official or his/her designee. The need of the parking spaces within these garages can be determined by a parking study prepared by a licensed professional engineer.


    Drive-up facilities. Any use providing drive-up facilities shall provide for the stacking of vehicles in accordance with the table below. Stacking spaces may not impede on-site or off-site traffic movements or movements into or out of off-street parking spaces. Any overflow from stacking lanes shall be contained on the subject site, and shall not overflow onto adjacent properties under different ownership, the public right-of-way, or internal traffic aisles.

    Use Minimum Stacking Spaces (1),(2)
    Banks and Financial Institutions 4 per service lane
    Automated Teller Machine (ATM) 3 per service lane
    Restaurants 5 per service lane
    Car Wash, Automatic 4 per service lane
    Car Wash, Self-Service 2 per service lane
    Other Drive-through Facilities 2 per service lane


    (1) Stacking spaces shall be measured from the point of transaction (teller window order box, or equivalent)

    (2) Stacking spaces shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet by twenty (20) feet.


    Development standards.


    Required off-street parking spaces shall not encroach upon a public right-of-way, nor shall any required parking spaces be located in a dedicated parkway.


    Off-street parking spaces shall be designed such that backing movements are accomplished within the limits of the property.


    A full-size (standard) parking space shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet long. Parallel spaces shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet wide by twenty-four (24) feet long.


    ADA-accessible parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Florida Statute and the Florida Accessibility Code within the Florida Building Code.


    For non ADA-accessible parking spaces, driveways and aisles, the required parking shall be graded and paved with a hard surface of asphalt, concrete, brick with the following exceptions:


    Development on bridgeless barrier islands.


    Bona fide agricultural uses.


    Required parking associated with on-site, temporary construction offices.


    Any parking that exceeds the required amount of parking defined by this section.


    As otherwise permitted by the zoning official or his/her designee.


    Each paved parking space shall be delineated by all-weather lines.


    Any parking area required to accommodate the sale, rental, or repair of vehicles shall be provided in addition to the required number of off-street parking spaces for any such use and shall be dimensioned, graded and paved in accordance with the standards of this section or as determined by the zoning official or his/her designee.


    All individual parking spaces shall be accessible at all times from a driving aisle intended to provide access to the space. Minimum aisle widths shall be as follows:

    Angle of Parking Aisle Width
    One-Way Two-Way
    Parallel 12 feet 22 feet
    45 degrees 12 feet 22 feet
    60 degrees 18 feet 24 feet
    90 degrees 20 feet 24 feet


    In unique circumstances, thirty-degree or seventy-five-degree parking may be allowed at the discretion of the zoning official or his/her designee.


    Stacked parking of vehicles shall not be permitted except for stacking lanes required by this section and single-family residential and duplex uses wherein one car may be parking behind another one. For multi-family residential, stacked parking of vehicles may be approved through the site plan review process.




    Except for special events such as seasonal promotions, sidewalk parking lot sales, fairs, carnivals, and tent sales, required off-street parking spaces shall not be used for sales, dead storage, repair, dismantling, or services of any type or kind, nor shall areas devoted to such activities count as meeting off-street parking requirements.


    Required off-street parking facilities shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land they are intended to serve. Shared parking facilities for developments or uses with different operating hours or different peak periods may be permitted between properties if the shared parking complies with all of the following standards:


    Shared parking spaces shall be located within a quarter-mile of the primary entrance of all uses served by such an arrangement. A distance greater than a quarter-mile may be permitted subject to the approval of the zoning official or his/her designee.


    All shared parking proposals shall be accompanied by a shared parking analysis that demonstrates the feasibility of the shared parking proposal and addresses, at a minimum, the size and type of the proposed development, the composition of tenants, the anticipated rate of parking turnover, and the anticipated peaking parking and traffic loads for all uses that will be sharing parking spaces. The shared parking analysis shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer or other individual as determined by the zoning official or his/her designee.


    All shared parking proposals shall require an agreement between all property owners, acceptable to the county attorney's office, that will run with the land until such time as the need is extinguished. An executed agreement shall be recorded with the clerk of the circuit court by the applicant and a certified copy shall be provided to the zoning official prior to the issuance of development approval. A shared parking agreement may be dissolved only if all required parking spaces will be provided in accordance with the provisions of this section.


    Where the uses subject to a shared parking agreement change, the zoning official or his/her designee shall have the authority to require a revised shared parking analysis and a new shared parking agreement when the revised shared parking analysis indicates additional parking is required.


    Required parking may be located on a separate, non-adjacent lot from the lot on which the principal use is located if the off-site parking complies with all of the following standards:


    No private off-site parking shall be located more than a quarter-mile from the primary entrance of the building. Off-site parking may not be separated from the use served by an arterial road unless a grade separated pedestrian walkway is provided or other traffic control or remote parking shuttle bus service is provided.


    Total parking spaces when combined or used together shall not be less than the sum of the requirements computed separately.


    Any arrangement for combined off-street parking shall be subject to the recording of a legal instrument with the clerk of the court (reviewed by the county attorney), ensuring that such off-street parking will be maintained as long as the use or uses requiring such parking continue. The agreement shall contain a legal description of subject property, measures to ensure maintenance of said facility and shall be approved by the zoning official or his/her designee.


    In the event that an off-site parking area is not under the same ownership as the principal use served, the county shall require an agreement between all property owners and the county, acceptable to the county attorney's office, that will run with the land until such time as the need is extinguished. An executed agreement shall be recorded with the clerk of the circuit court by the applicant and a certified copy shall be provided to the zoning official prior to the issuance of development approval. An off-site parking agreement may be dissolved only if all required parking spaces will be provided in accordance with the provisions of this section.


    Where the uses relying on an off-site parking area change, the zoning official or his/her designee shall have the authority to require a revised parking analysis and a new off-site parking agreement when the revised parking analysis indicates additional parking is required.


    Off-site parking may not be used for the storage of commercial vehicles or equipment.


    Off-site parking areas must be developed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the County Code of Ordinances.


    Off-street loading.


    Commercial and industrial operations with a floor area of more than six thousand (6,000) square feet shall provide space for loading and unloading operations in a manner that does not impede the free movement of vehicles and pedestrians over sidewalks, streets and alleys. Any deviation from this requirement may be approved by the zoning official or his/her designee.


    Every off-street loading and unloading space shall have direct access to a public street or alley and shall have the following minimum dimensions:

    Length: Thirty (30) feet

    Width: Twelve (12) feet

    Height: Fourteen (14) feet


    The required loading area shall be provided on the same lot or parcel it serves and shall be separate and distinct from off-street parking arrangements.

(Minutes of 12-8-81, § 8; Ord. No. 89-29, § 1, 5-8-89; Ord. No. 91-09, § 2, 2-26-91; Ord. No. 92-67, § 1, 8-18-92; Ord. No. 2003-061, § 11, 8-26-03; Ord. No. 2011-030, § 3, 7-26-11; Ord. No. 2014-041, § 1(Exh. A), 11-25-14; Ord. No. 2015-028, § 1(Exh. A), 5-26-15)

Cross reference

Tree requirements, § 3-2-186 et seq.; landscaped buffers, § 3-9-83.