§ 3-9-78. Model homes.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. Model homes may be permitted in areas zoned for such residential units after a building permit has been obtained. A model home may be constructed in a commercial zoning district only if constructed in compliance with the commercial building code and shall not be occupied for living purposes. The model home shall not be required to comply with the commercial building code if, at the time of application, an affidavit is submitted stating that the model home will be removed when it ceases to be used as a model or that the structure will be brought into compliance if the use of the structure is altered. Sales from temporary branch offices within models located in residential districts shall be permitted only for the sale of units offered by the owners or developers provided that a model home shall not be used as a contractor's office, general real estate office, or a resale listing office unless such offices are located in zones permitting such occupations. The use of a model home as a sales or rental office in a nonresidential zoning district shall be conditioned on subsection (b).


    Parking. Each model home shall provide a minimum of four (4) parking spaces which shall be accessible to the public. Parking shall conform to the following development standards:


    All required parking shall be graded and improved with asphalt, concrete, paver block, turf block, brick, marl or shell.


    Each space shall be a minimum of nine (9) feet wide by eighteen (18) feet long; except that driveways shall be a minimum of sixteen (16) feet wide to allow for the parking of four (4) vehicles (stacking of two (2) deep is allowed).


    Each space shall be clearly delineated.


    No parking shall be located within a road right-of-way.


    Required parking may be allowed on an abutting lot only when under the same ownership as the model home. Proof of ownership shall be provided at the time of building permit application.


    All driveways must be graded and paved in accordance with the requirements set forth by the county engineering department.


    Model homes constructed in a commercial zoning district shall not be used as a dwelling unit unless the property is zoned OMI, CT and RMF-T prior to October 7, 1997.


    The following requirements shall apply to model homes constructed in a residential zoning district:


    The model home may be open between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.


    Model home sites are permitted a single primary sign no greater than thirty-two (32) square feet in area, which must be set back at least twenty (20) feet from any adjacent lot.

(Ord. No. 2014-074, § 1(Exh. A), 11-25-14)