§ 3-9-43. Industrial general (IG).  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Intent. The purpose and intent of this district is to allow various light industrial and higher-intensity commercial uses. All industrial processes shall take place within completely enclosed buildings unless approved by a special exception. Storage of materials and finished products may be permitted within an enclosed yard with appropriate screens and buffering.


    Permitted uses (P) and structures :


    Biofuel production, less than five thousand (5,000) gallons per day.


    Biofuel production, five thousand (5,000) to fifteen thousand (15,000) gallons per day.


    Boat, travel trailer, and motor vehicle sales, including recreational vehicles and campers.


    Boat, travel trailer and motor vehicle repair, services, and storage, including recreational vehicles and campers.


    Building trades contractor's office with storage yard on-premises and heavy equipment.


    Commercial laundry.


    Commercial vehicle rental.


    Dairy, grain, fruit, field crop, and vegetable processing.


    Distribution center, wholesaling, warehousing.


    Dry cleaner.


    Emergency services.


    Essential services. (See section 3-9-71, essential services.)


    Farm equipment sales and service.


    Gas station.


    Government uses and facilities.


    Heavy machinery, equipment rental, sales, service.


    Heliport, helistop.


    Industrial marina.


    Light manufacturing and assembly in a completely enclosed building.




    Mass transit station.


    Motor vehicle wash.


    Nonretail food production.


    Paid or public parking lot, garage, structure.


    Printing, lithographing, publishing, and similar establishments.


    Research, testing facility.


    Sales and storage of mobile homes.


    Sawmill, machine shop.


    Sexually oriented business. (See section 3-9-84, sexually oriented businesses.)


    Telecommunications facility, fifty (50) feet or less in height. (See section 3-9-68, communication towers.)


    Telecommunications facility, greater than fifty (50) feet in height. (See section 3-9-68, communication towers.)


    Truck stop.


    Vocational, trade, or business school.


    Permitted accessory uses and structures: Uses, including retail sales, and structures which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to permitted and conditional uses and structures are also permitted in this district; however, no residential facilities shall be permitted in the district except for watchmen or caretakers whose work requires residence on the premises.


    Conditional use (C) and structures: (For rules and regulations for any use designated as a conditional use, see section 3-9-69, conditional uses and structures.)


    Laboratories, class 1, 2, 3.


    Mini transfer station. (See section 3-9-70, debris and waste facilities.)


    Minor yard trash processing facility. (See section 3-9-70, debris and waste facilities.)


    Outdoor storage yard.


    Private off-site parking.


    Recovered materials processing facility. (See section 3-9-70, debris and waste facilities.)


    Residential household hazardous waste collection center. (See section 3-9-70, debris and waste facilities.)


    Waste tire collection center. (See section 3-9-70, debris and waste facilities.)


    Prohibited uses and structures: Any use or structure not specifically or by reasonable implication permitted herein, or permitted by special exception, shall be unlawful in this district, including the following:


    Animal slaughterhouses.


    Any use not conforming to industrial performance standards.


    Chemical and fertilizer manufacturing.


    Explosives manufacturing.


    Hospitals and clinics, except clinics in connection with industrial activity.


    Paper and pulp manufacturing.


    Petroleum refining.


    Place of worship. (See section 3-7-82, places of worship.)


    Residential dwellings, except as permitted under accessory uses.


    Stockyards and feeding pens.


    Tanneries with curing or storage of raw hides.


    Wrecking yards, including automotive vehicle wrecking yards and junkyards.


    Special exceptions (S): (For procedure, see section 3-9-6.2, special exceptions.)




    All conditional uses and structures that cannot meet all conditions set forth in this Code.


    Biofuel production, greater than fifteen thousand (15,000) gallons per day.


    Composting facility. (See section 3-9-70, debris and waste facilities.)


    Flammable liquid storage.


    Light manufacturing and assembly not in a completely enclosed building.


    Materials recovery facility. (See section 3-9-70, debris and waste facilities.)


    Transfer station. (See section 3-9-70, debris and waste facilities.)


    Such other uses as determined by the zoning official or his/her designee to be:


    Appropriate by reasonable implication and intent of the district.


    Similar to another use either explicitly permitted in that district or allowed by special exception.


    Not specifically prohibited in that district.

    The board of zoning appeals shall review a favorable determination of the zoning official under this provision at the time the special exception application is presented to it. An unfavorable determination of the zoning official or his/her designee shall be appealable pursuant to section 3-9-6, board of zoning appeals.


    Development standards :

    Lot (min.) Adjacent to nonindustrial uses
    Area (sq. ft.) 12,000 12,000
    Width (ft.) 100 100
    Setbacks (min. ft.)
    Front 10 25
    Side (interior) 0 10
    Side (street) 10 15
    Rear (interior) 10 15
    Rear (street) 10 20
    Abutting water 20 20
    Bulk (max.)
    Lot Coverage of all buildings 50% 50%
    Height (ft.) 60 60
    Density (units/acre) 0 0


    All uses shall conform to the industrial performance standards as set forth in section 3-9-75.

    Landscape buffers and screening shall be required in this district in accordance with the provisions of article XXII, chapter 3-5, of the Code, as the same may be amended.

    If the IG district abuts a residential district, no structure other than screening required pursuant to article XXII, chapter 3-5, of the Code, shall be erected closer to the abutting residentially zoned property than twenty-five (25) feet or the building height, whichever is greater.

    Where properties lie anywhere on a barrier island or within one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet of the water of Charlotte Harbor, the Gulf of Mexico, Lemon Bay, Gasparilla Sound, Placida Harbor, Red Fish Cove, the Myakka River, the Peace River, or Coral Creek, structures must also be constructed in accordance with section 3-9-88, waterfront property.


    Signs. Signs shall be in accordance with section 3-9-85.


    Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall be in accordance with section 3-9-79.

(Ord. No. 2014-065, § 1(Exh. A), 11-25-14)