§ 3-9-38. Recreational vehicle park (RVP).  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Intent. The purpose and intent of this district is to allow transient living in recreational vehicles and campgrounds. It is the further intent of this Code that the individual living sites may be subdivided for individual ownership and the park must be retained in a form of common or single ownership.


    Permitted uses (P) and structures:


    Management offices and maintenance facilities.


    Manager's residence (a manufactured home may be allowed for manager's residence only).


    Park recreational facilities.


    Recreational vehicles, travel trailers, motor homes, camping tents and trailers occupied as temporary dwelling units.


    Telecommunications facility, fifty (50) feet or less in height. (See section 3-9-68, communication towers.)


    Permitted accessory uses and structures. Accessory uses and structures permitted if they:


    Are customarily accessory to permitted uses and structures.


    Involve operations of a recreational vehicle park, including the following:


    Laundry facilities, sale of groceries and sundries, sale of LP (liquefied petroleum) gas, all of which are subject to the following:


    Such establishments and the associated parking areas related primarily to their operations shall not occupy more than two (2) percent of the area of the park.


    The commercial nature of such establishment shall not be visible from any street outside the park so as to attract customers other than the occupants of the park.


    Such establishment shall not be located closer than one hundred (100) feet to any public street and shall be accessible only from a street within the park.


    Enclosed storage structures and garage facilities located on a designated common area with the use to be limited to the park management and the residents.


    Detached and freestanding screen rooms and casitas provided that such structures are totally independent from the recreational vehicle and shall be constructed and located in such a manner as not to impede the immediate removal of any recreational vehicle from its designated site.


    Storage structures not exceeding fifty (50) square feet may be allowed provided that they are detached and located as an improvement on all recreational vehicle lots. The location and size of the storage structures shall be uniform and the same on all lots.


    Concrete slabs, decks, and patios provided such structures are detached and structurally independent from the accompanying recreational vehicles and in no way impede the immediate removal of recreational vehicles from the site.


    Open storage areas for recreational equipment and vehicles, the use of which is limited to the park residents, provided that the area is designated on the approved development plan for the recreational vehicle park and that no such area shall exceed five (5) percent of the total park area.


    Keeping of pets, excluding animal breeding, boarding, and training.


    Prohibited uses and structures: Any use or structure not expressly or by reasonable implication permitted herein or permitted by special exception, including but not limited to:


    Any recreational vehicle and park model in excess of four hundred (400) square feet in area.


    Screen rooms and/or cabanas attached to recreational vehicles, including any form of rigid awnings which are not designed for transportation down the highway.


    Year-round occupation of a recreational vehicle.


    Special exceptions: (For procedure see section 3-9-6.2, special exceptions.)


    All conditional uses and structures that cannot meet all conditions set forth in this Code.


    Emergency services.


    Essential services. (See section 3-9-71, essential services.)


    Such other uses as determined by the zoning official or his/her designee to be:


    Appropriate by reasonable implication and intent of the district.


    Similar to another use either explicitly permitted in that district or allowed by special exception.


    Not specifically prohibited in that district.

    The board of zoning appeals shall review a favorable determination of the zoning official under this provision at the time the special exception application is presented to it. An unfavorable determination of the zoning official or his/her designee shall be appealable pursuant to section 3-9-6, board of zoning appeals.


    Development standards:

    Park (min.) Not Platted Platted
    Area (acres) 15 15
    Width (ft.) 250 N/A
    Site (min.)
    Area (sq. ft.) 3,000 5,000
    Width (ft.) 40 40
    Yards (min. ft.)
    Park boundary 25 25
    Abutting water 20 20
    Front N/A 10
    Side N/A 5
    Rear N/A 5
    Bulk (max.)
    Park coverage 60% N/A
    Lot coverage N/A 40%
    Height (ft.) 38 38
    Density (units/acre) 8 8


    a. No structure other than screening required pursuant to article XXII, chapter 3-5, of the Code, shall be located closer than 35 feet to any park boundary abutting a public road nor closer than twenty-five (25) feet to an exterior park boundary.

    b. No structure or recreational vehicle shall be located closer than five (5) feet to the side and rear property line and ten (10) feet to the pavement line of any internal street excluding driveways and patio slabs which are not in excess of six (6) inches above the existing finished grade of the recreational vehicle site.


    Occupancy time limit: The occupancy of any individual living site by any individual or group of individuals shall be strictly limited to one hundred eighty (180) days and no individual or group of individuals may reestablish occupancy of any individual living site until at least thirty (30) days following their departure. The county reserves the right to inspect occupancy records of the park to ensure enforcement of this condition.


    Site access: Parks shall not have access through local, residential roadways unless a traffic study submitted to and approved by the county determines that the use of the roads by the proposed park does not create a traffic safety hazard. Any necessary developer-funded improvements to the existing rights-of-way will not receive any impact fee credits.


    Street improvements: Streets within the recreational vehicle park may be public if platted and accepted by the county. Any necessary developer-funded improvements to the existing right-of-way will not receive any impact fee credit.


    Recreational areas and open space areas: A minimum of fifteen (15) percent of the land area within park boundaries shall be developed as recreation and open space areas, which may include but not be limited to passive recreational trails, central community clubhouse facilities, pools, and tennis courts. If any portion of a lake or waterway contained within the boundaries of a recreational vehicle park is proposed to be used for a portion of the recreational area, only that portion which supports active recreation shall be counted. No more than ten (10) percent of the stormwater lake may be used for the required recreation area otherwise determined by state or federal agencies.


    Water and sewer. Each site shall be serviced by a central water and sewer system. The location of any water or sewer plants within the boundaries of the recreational vehicle park shall be designed, located, landscaped and buffered so as not to be visible from adjacent properties. If recreational vehicle sites are to be provided to recreational vehicles that have no bath or toilet facilities, then those sites shall be located not more than two hundred (200) feet from approved shower and toilet facilities.


    Fire protection: All recreational vehicle parks shall have an appropriate fire protection plan and appropriate base facilities for fighting fire as approved by Charlotte County Fire/EMS.

    Where properties lie anywhere on a barrier island or within one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet of the water of Charlotte Harbor, the Gulf of Mexico, Lemon Bay, Gasparilla Sound, Placida Harbor, Red Fish Cove, the Myakka River, the Peace River, or Coral Creek, structures must also be constructed in accordance with section 3-9-88, waterfront property.


    Signs. Signs shall be in accordance with section 3-9-85.


    Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall be in accordance with section 3-9-79.

(Res. No. 85-313, § 1, 11-19-85; Ord. No. 89-34, § 12, 5-31-89; Ord. No. 94-55, §§ 20—22, 11-3-94; Ord. No. 2001-031, § 1(h), (i), 6-12-01; Ord. No. 2002-008, § 1, 1-28-02; Ord. No. 2014-058, § 1(Exh. A), 11-25-14)

Editor's note

These provisions were formerly found in § 3-9-46. The provisions of former § 3-9-38 are now found in § 3-9-42.