§ 3-6-85. Highway access standards.  

Latest version.
  • The following standards and requirements shall be utilized for construction of entrances and exits to arterials and collectors:




    Access road: A road or drive generally constructed parallel and adjacent to an arterial highway to provide access for properties to the highway system.


    Arterial (major and minor): A highway or road which is so designated by the comprehensive plan.


    Collector: A highway or road which is so designated by the comprehensive plan.


    Driveway: An entrance or exit onto any street or highway for vehicular traffic.


    Local: A street not designated as an arterial or collector by the comprehensive plan.


    Public works department: The county public works department.


    Standards for driveways on arterials and collectors:


    Driveway width: The minimum width of a commercial or industrial drive shall be twenty-four (24) feet. The minimum width of a residential drive shall be ten (10) feet. The maximum width of a drive shall be forty (40) feet. The width of a drive shall be measured along the line parallel to the center line of the street. Wider driveways may be approved by the public works department where the drive is to be constructed with medians, in accordance with Ordinance 85-43, as may be amended. Deceleration, acceleration, multiple turn lanes, or additional turn radius to minimize interference with through traffic shall be installed where projected traffic use or volume indicates the need, according to ASHTO recommendations. Standards for local street driveways shall be as provided in section 3-6-21, as may be amended. Design and geometrics shall meet the standards of the public works department for projected traffic; and material requirements shall meet the standards of section 3-6-21, as may be amended.


    Driveway edge turning radius: The minimum radius shall be twenty-five (25) feet.


    Drive alignment: The intersection angle of the center line of the driveway and the street shall be between seventy (70) and ninety (90) degrees.


    Sidewalk ramp: Where a curb is extended past an existing sidewalk, a sidewalk ramp meeting standards for handicapped facilities shall be installed.


    Number of access points:


    Access for all uses (except residential units) located on arterial and collector highways shall comply with the following: The maximum number of driveways allowed from one (1) site along each street frontage shall be two (2). The minimum spacing between new driveways and intersections or between driveways and driveways shall be three hundred thirty (330) feet along arterial and collector highways listed in Attachment A to this article. The spacing between an existing driveway and a new driveway along said highways may be less than three hundred thirty (330) feet where the DRC approves the location with conditions it requires to satisfy the intent of this article. A property site located at street corners may have one (1) access point for the first two hundred (200) feet of frontage along each street frontage, and may have two (2) access points along each frontage where the frontage exceeds two hundred (200) feet. New driveways shall include acceleration and deceleration lanes or tapers as recommended by F.D.O.T. standards. Where an overlap exists between acceleration and deceleration tapers and/or lanes, or where the overlap occurs at a street intersection, the pavement shall be widened to a full lane width where the overlap occurs along driveways serving the property. These requirements do not apply to residential units.


    If any property by reason of its location or size cannot be physically developed in accordance with the standards in this article, one (1) driveway along each street frontage shall be permitted at a location which most closely complies with the standards in this article, and no variance will be necessary. Under no circumstances shall access be denied to any property.


    Where existing lot width or environmental concerns make the required spacing between driveways and intersections impossible, a minimum spacing of at least fifty (50) feet and twenty-five (25) feet from property lines shall be approved. Lesser spacing between driveways may be approved by the public works department due to insufficient lot widths or environmental concerns, but in no cases shall this spacing be less than twenty (20) feet. This subsection shall not apply to access roads. Under no circumstances shall access be denied to any property.


    A driveway permit shall be considered for approval of work in the right-of-way, in accordance with section 3-6-21, as may be amended. In addition, any permit issued shall also be consistent with a site plan that was approved by the DRC, where DRC approval was required. The location and design of all items related to traffic movement onto and off of private property located along arterial and collector highways in Attachment A shall be subject to review and approval by the public works department (and the DRC, if DRC approval is also required by the land development regulations).


    There is hereby established an appeals board for the standards in this article. The board of zoning appeals shall serve and perform the duties of such appeals board under the provisions set forth in the land development regulations.


    Joint-use driveways: Provisions for future interconnections to adjoining undeveloped property, and interconnections with adjacent lots, driveways or access roads shall be encouraged whenever possible. Land subdivided after the adoption of this article [May 31, 1989] must comply with this article and shall provide internal circulation systems which provide access to individual lots. Lots created after the adoption of this article shall utilize internal circulation systems for access between lots and shall be permitted direct access to arterials or collectors listed in Attachment A at the minimum spacing listed above. Drives constructed inside the traffic storage lane of an abutting street shall be restricted to right turn-in/right turn-out only, unless otherwise approved by the DRC.


    Curb cut alignment: Whenever possible, existing and proposed commercial and industrial curb cuts shall be in alignment across the street, at median cuts, and at street intersections. When zero offset distance is impossible, drives shall be located to minimize offset distance; and such offset alignments require the approval of the public works department. Median cuts on divided streets shall be a minimum distance of six hundred sixty (660) feet apart, with appropriate storage and deceleration lanes, and taper to handle the projected traffic volume.


    Sight distance: A drive to be located along a property frontage that has less sight distance available than the minimum sight distance required for making all turning movements safely (in accordance with FDOT, Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for Design, Construction and Maintenance of Streets and Highways (latest revision)) shall be located to provide the maximum sight distance available for right turns for ingress and egress and shall be restricted in use to right turns only.


    Redevelopment of abutting and existing property: Any property being redeveloped or altered, such that it requires alterations to the pavement or parking facilities, shall be reviewed by the public works department for projected traffic generation to determine if it should comply with provisions of this article. Any existing drives not in use after redevelopment shall have the unused apron removed, and any drop curb section along the street at an abandoned driveway shall be replaced with a new curb (and sidewalk if previously existing) as approved by the public works department.


    Utility adjustments: If a drive requires a change in any item owned by any utility, the owner shall be responsible for the expense of the adjustment as required by the public works department and the affected utility.


    Location of access drives: The proposed location for an access drive shall make a due provision for:


    Smooth flow of through traffic;


    Minimal conflicting movements;


    Vehicular and pedestrian safety;


    Adequate visibility and sight distance;


    Noise, glare, economic or odor effects of the proposed access drive, loading areas, and parking areas on adjoining properties or neighborhoods.


    Approval: The public works department shall approve or disapprove locations and geometric design for proposed access drives in accordance with this article. If the decision concerning the proposed driveway is negative, the county engineer or his designee shall state the reasons in writing. Because of the concern for public safety and the public necessity to efficiently move traffic on the public highways in the county, the issuance of a permit for a drive shall not obligate the county to allow or provide for all possible turning movements to or from a specific drive. If, at any time in the future, traffic flow conditions in the opinion of the public works department or the board of county commissioners become congested or a hazard due to turning movements to and/or from a driveway, the left-turn movements may be prohibited by the installation of signs and/or a street median barrier curb.

(Ord. No. 89-36, § 5, 5-31-89)