§ 3-6-84. Consistency with the comprehensive plan, traffic circulation element.  

Latest version.
  • Objective 4: Minimize the disruption of traffic from land uses adjacent to major roadways while providing safe movement to and from such uses.

    Policy 4.1: Include within the adopted land use regulations criteria to limit/control the location, number and spacing of access drives along arterial and collector roadways and require adequate left-turn storage lanes and adequate acceleration and deceleration lanes.

    Policy 4.3: Require the use of access roads or shared access drives for new commercial development.

    Policy 4.5: The land development regulations shall include spacing criteria relative to the minimum separation of median openings along collector and arterial roadways.

    Policy 4.6: The county will incorporate within its land development regulations provisions which address the following:


    Frontage road requirements:


    Intersection/interchange locational restrictions for land uses which are high trip generators;


    Building setback requirements;


    Distance requirements for access cuts near intersections and interchanges;


    Design standards (i.e., acceleration and deceleration lanes, turning radii, geometrics, signalization, etc.);


    Intersection spacing standards;


    Minimum maintenance responsibility requirements;


    Anti-obstruction standards (sight distances);


    Incentives to mitigate poor traffic access/hazardous situations;


    Standards to eliminate traffic conflicts with bicyclists and pedestrians.

    Policy 5.1: Ensure that access is limited for adjoining properties within an interchange area as provided for by F.D.O.T. requirements, through the site plan review by the development review committee.

(Ord. No. 89-36, § 4, 5-31-89)