§ 3-5-316. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Unless specifically defined below, all words or phrases used in this article shall be ascribed the meaning they have in common usage and which gives this article its most reasonable application.


    Beach shall mean the zone of unconsolidated material that is contiguous with the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and extends landward from mean low water to the place where there is a marked change in material or physiographic form, or to the line of permanent vegetation (usually the effective limit of storm waves).


    Construction shall mean any activity intended to modify or improve site conditions, including but not limited to building, clearing, filling, excavating or grading, or the making of any material change in the size or use of any structure.


    Dune shall mean a mound or ridge of loose sediments lying landward of the beach or shore, which was deposited by natural or artificial processes, and which is of sufficient expanse and stability to absorb or moderate the destructive force of storm-generated ocean waves.

(Ord. No. 89-35, § 5, 5-31-89)