§ 3-5-304. Management coordination.  

Latest version.
  • The community development department shall be responsible for coordinating intra-and inter-governmental activities and for establishing administrative policies germane to the effective and timely implementation of the conditions set forth in this article.


    The community development department shall develop a process whereby any individual submitting a site plan or building plan for construction within the nesting zone is made aware of all instructions, requirements, and guidelines contained herein.


    The community development department shall develop, in consultation with DEP, a process whereby the community development department receives a copy of all permits granted by DEP for construction seaward of the coastal construction control line.


    The community development department shall develop, in consultation with law enforcement, community volunteers and others, an expeditious and structured process for enforcement.


    The community development department shall develop educational pamphlets and other materials such as signage to promote awareness of marine sea turtles.


    The county shall continue to support the efforts of the volunteer citizen turtle patrol in its conservation and monitoring efforts, shall encourage the development of public-private partnerships to provide funding for sea turtle awareness programs, and shall encourage the distribution of educational pamphlets and other materials to promote public awareness of sea turtles' use of the beaches during nesting season.

(Ord. No. 98-041, § 8, 6-23-98)