§ 3-5-299. Beachfront lighting.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Intent. The general intent of this section is to prevent the direct, indirect or cumulative artificial illumination of the nesting zone from sunset to sunrise throughout the nesting/hatching season. Such illumination may inhibit nesting by adult female sea turtles and disorient hatchlings.


    Light sources. Both new and existing development shall ensure that point sources of light or any reflective surfaces illuminated by such point sources of light are not visible from the beach.


    New development. Single-family and multifamily dwellings, commercial and other structures constructed within the nesting zone, including parking lots and dune walkovers, and any outdoor lighting associated with construction or development within three hundred (300) feet of the nesting zone shall be in compliance with the following:


    Decorative lighting, including, but not limited to, floodlights and spotlights which are visible from the beach, or which illuminate surfaces that are visible from the beach, shall be prohibited.


    Wall or ceiling mounted light fixtures shall be shielded such that light sources do not illuminate the nesting zone, and such that the light source is not visible from the beach.


    Pole lighting shall be shielded in such a way that no light source illuminates the nesting zone.


    Low profile luminaries shall be utilized to illuminate beachfront parking areas, and these shall be positioned and shielded such that no light source illuminates the nesting zone.


    Dune crosswalks shall utilize low profile shielded luminaries only.

    All light fixtures on dune crosswalks must utilize low wattage (i.e. twenty-five (25) watts or less) bug lights.


    Lighting on balconies which is visible from the nesting zone shall be shielded such that lights will not illuminate the beach.


    Temporary security lights at construction sites in or within three hundred (300) feet of the nesting zone shall not be mounted more than eight (8) feet above the ground and shielded such that the lights will not illuminate the nesting zone.


    Tinted glass shall be installed on all windows facing the Gulf of Mexico.


    Existing development. Lighting from structures in existence as of May 1, 1990, located within the nesting zone shall be repositioned, modified, or replaced as necessary in order to comply with the following:


    Lights illuminating buildings or associated grounds for decorative purposes shall be turned off from sunset to sunrise during each night of the nesting season unless shielded or redirected such that they will not illuminate the nesting zone. Recreational lighting for tennis courts and other outdoor recreation shall be turned off when the court or field is not in use.


    Lights illuminating dune crosswalks or any areas oceanward of the dune line shall be turned off from sunset to sunrise during each night of the nesting season, or must be modified to conform with the requirements for new development (section 3-5-299).


    Security lighting shall be permitted throughout the night so long as low profile luminaries are used and shielded in such a way that these lights do not illuminate the beach.


    Interior light bulbs shall be shielded if situated such that they are visible from the beach.


    Window treatments are encouraged for windows facing the Gulf of Mexico to prevent interior lights from illuminating the nesting zone. The use of heavy draperies or window shades, or careful placement of lamps and other lights shall be utilized to reduce nighttime nesting zone illumination.


    Publicly owned lighting. Street lights and lighting at parks and other publicly owned beach access areas shall be subject to the following:


    Street lights shall be located such that the bulk of their illumination will travel downward and away from the beach. These lights shall be equipped with shields that will prevent backlighting and render them invisible from the beach.


    Lighting at parks or other public access points shall be shielded so that the light source is not visible from the beach and does not directly or indirectly illuminate the nesting zone.

(Ord. No. 98-041, § 4, 6-23-98)