§ 3-5-95. Erosion control at development sites.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Water quality. All drainage leaving cleared development sites shall be filtered by sediment barriers. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to maintain the effectiveness of filtration by regular clearing of captured sediments or by refurbishment, as necessary. Captured sediments are to be disposed of on upland portions of the development site.


    Prevention of wetland degradation. Staked and entrenched hay bales, or other temporary sediment barriers shall be installed at the toe of all exposed slopes which meet or exceed four horizontal to one vertical (4:1) and are within twenty-five (25) feet of wetlands, waters of the state, or any surface water feature not bounded entirely by the limits of the development site. These shall be placed and maintained such that drainage will not overflow or bypass the barrier and shall remain in place until the slope is leveled or permanently stabilized.


    Dust control. All development of one (1) acre or greater which will result in exposure of denuded soil during the months of November through March shall employ dust control procedures consistent with the guidelines of the Natural Resource Conservation Service or the FDEP Florida Development Manual.

(Ord. No. 98-054, § 1, 7-21-98)