§ 2-5-156. Restrictions on businesses that sell or display drug paraphernalia; signage required; unaccompanied minors prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person in control of the premises of any place of business selling or displaying drug paraphernalia shall allow or permit any person under the age of eighteen (18) to enter or remain on the premises unless the minor person is accompanied by one (1) of his or her parents or by his or her legal guardian.


    Such premises must prominently display a sign approved by the code enforcement official posted at the entrance to the premises, stating that drug paraphernalia is located within the premises, and prohibiting persons under eighteen (18) from entering the establishment without their parent or guardian.


    Exemption: These restrictions do not apply to premises (a) that prohibit the entry of persons under the age of eighteen (18); or (b) premises where the sale and display of drug paraphernalia is located in a separate room from which persons under eighteen (18) are excluded without a parent or guardian, and provided that a sign approved by the code enforcement official is posted at the entrance to the room, stating that drug paraphernalia is located within the room, and prohibiting persons under eighteen (18) from entering the room without their parent or guardian. The room must contain a door, which is to remain closed except when in active use to enter or exit the room. The door shall contain a window of a minimum size of eighteen (18) inches by eighteen (18) inches, located at a minimum height of five feet from the floor. This window shall remain unobstructed to allow code enforcement officials and persons in charge of the premises to view persons inside the room without the necessity of entry into the room. This provision is not intended to require permission, or special authority or a search warrant for code enforcement officials to enter the room.

(Ord. No. 2013-033, § 1, 11-26-13)