§ 1-4-32. Impoundment.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The board is empowered and authorized to create, institute, construct, operate and maintain animal control shelters or holding facilities at locations selected by the board in order to provide adequate animal control facilities for the entire county or arrange with private parties for the same.


    The animal control director may engage the services of a licensed veterinarian to treat any sick or injured animal, including any animal subject to cruelty, or any animal infected with or suspected of carrying rabies, impounded pursuant to this article. The owner or keeper of such animal shall be liable for payment of veterinary and impoundment expense or reimbursement of the county's expenses in treating the animal.


    The board, by resolution, shall establish fees to be charged for impounding, boarding and feeding animals.


    The department may catch, seize, humanely trap, or pick up and impound:


    Any dog or cat at large.


    Any dog or cat not vaccinated or licensed as required herein.


    Any animal which has bitten or scratched a person or any animal carrying or suspected of carrying rabies or other infectious or contagious diseases.


    Any sick, injured, abandoned or cruelly treated animal for which the owner cannot be found after reasonable effort to do so.


    Any public nuisance animal.


    Any threatening, dangerous or vicious animal as defined in section 1-4-30.


    Any animal not properly quarantined.


    Any female dog or cat in heat not properly confined.


    Any dog or cat not wearing a license tag.


    Any animal that is improperly tethered.


    Any other animal authorized by this article to be impounded.


    Any animal otherwise in violation of this article.


    An animal control officer shall attempt to identify and locate the owner or keeper of an animal impounded pursuant to this article. If the owner can be identified and located, the animal control officer shall provide notice either in writing, by telephone, or in person that the animal has been impounded.


    Any animal impounded pursuant to this article, except for an animal classified as a vicious animal, may be redeemed within five (5) days of such notice. The period for redemption shall include the day of impoundment. The last day of such redemption period shall occur on a day the county shelter or other holding facility is open for business.


    Any animal impounded under the provisions of this article and not redeemed as provided for herein, or any animal turned over to the custody of the department by the owner or owner's agent, shall become the property of the county. The animal control director may humanely destroy such animal, or place in the custody of some person, by gift or sale, deemed to be a responsible and suitable owner, who will agree to comply with all provisions of this article. In the alternative, the animal control director may place this in the custody of the local holding facility. The facility may humanely destroy such animal or place it in the custody of some person, by gift or sale, deemed to be a responsible and suitable owner, who will comply with all the provisions of this article and rules and regulations of this article. No live animal impounded under the provisions of this article may be given or sold to any person for use in laboratory testing or experiments of any kind.


    No animal impounded pursuant to this article shall be released until:


    The owner or keeper of an impounded dog or cat which is not vaccinated against rabies or which does not have a valid license certificate or license tag arranges for rabies vaccination and obtains a license certificate and license tag;


    The owner or keeper of an impounded animal pays the fees for impoundment, board, feed and any additional fees for rabies vaccination and a license certificate and license tag;


    The owner or keeper of an impounded animal pays any expenses incurred by the county for veterinary treatment;


    The owner or keeper of an impounded animal provides proof of ownership or custody, such as a license certificate, sales receipt, affidavits of neighbors, photographs, or other documentary evidence;


    If a threatening or dangerous animal is impounded, the owner or keeper of such animal complies with the provisions of this article applicable to vicious animals;


    If an animal subject to cruelty is impounded, the county court issues an order as provided by F.S. section 828.073.

(Ord. No. 98-070, § 10, 12-1-98; Ord. No. 2006-062, §§ 5—7, 6-27-06; Ord. No. 2012-023, § 1, 6-12-12)