§ 1-2-183. Authority of senior division manager of purchasing and county administrator.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Unless otherwise provided for in this article, the procurement of all goods and services shall be under the supervision and management of the senior division manager of purchasing. It shall be the duty, responsibility, and authority of the of the senior division manager of purchasing to:


    Procure or supervise the procurement of all goods and services except as otherwise provided for herein, required by the board of county commissioners and departments and agencies under its control, and for which payment is made from funds of the county.


    In conjunction with using agencies, prepare and enforce standard specifications which shall apply to all goods purchased for the use of the county.


    Maintain current files of qualified sources of supply for goods and services required by the county.


    Perform other related duties as may be assigned by the county administrator.


    Sign and authorize on behalf of the county duly issued purchase orders or assign said responsibility to a designee.


    Sign and authorize purchase agreements and contracts on behalf of the county for purchases of less than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) in total value, for goods and services which have been authorized in the official county budget, or assign said authority to a designee, if such authority has been delegated to the senior division manager of purchasing by the county administrator.


    Take all reasonable steps to insure that the specifications for an item to be procured are developed to permit competition among businesses whenever practicable.


    Maintain a system of accountability for county property (fixed assets), and disposal of any of such property which becomes surplus to the county's needs.


    Maintain a system of accountability and numbering of all contracts for purchase of goods and services under the jurisdiction of the board of county commissioners whether exempt from the procurement system or not.


    Reject all bids as may be in the best interest of the county where competitive sealed bids have been required for the procurement of goods and services and such rejection of bids is approved by the county administrator or his/her designee.


    In addition to any other authority granted to the county administrator in this article, the county administrator, or his/her designee, shall have the authority to sign and authorize purchase agreements and contracts on behalf of the county for purchases of less than seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000.00) in total value, for goods and services which have been authorized in the official county budget. The limit of this authority shall increase without further legislative action, by five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) each year, commencing on October 1, 2004, and increasing on the first day of October of each year thereafter.

(Ord. No. 95-025, § 8, 6-6-95; 96-37, § 1, 10-1-96; Ord. No. 2003-017, § 2, 4-22-03; Ord. No. 2009-005, § 6, 2-10-09)