§ 1-2-178. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Local government. Any county or municipality.

    The county. Charlotte County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida.

    Competitive bidding. Two (2) or more bids or proposals submitted for the same item or services by responsible bidders.

    Fixed assets. Assets of a long-term character, which are intended to continue to be held or used generally for more than one fiscal year, such as land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, machinery and equipment.

    Responsible bidder. A person who has the capability in all respects to perform fully the contract requirements and has the integrity and reliability which will assure good faith performance.

    Responsive bid. A bid or proposal which conforms in all material respects to the invitation to bid or request for proposals.

    Inventory. A detailed list showing quantities, descriptions and values of property and, frequently, units of measure and unit prices.

    Machinery and equipment. Tangible property of a more or less permanent nature other than land or buildings and improvements thereon. Examples are machinery, tools, trucks, cars, furniture and furnishings.

    Purchase order. A document which authorizes the delivery of specified merchandise or the rendering of certain services and the making of a charge for them.

(Ord. No. 95-025, § 3, 6-6-95)