§ 1-10-310. Permit denial/revocation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No escort service permit shall be issued to any corporation, association, organization, agency, partnership, person or group of persons if the applicant, or any person helping to conduct, manage, carry on, operate or invest in the service, has been:


    Convicted of a felony.


    Convicted of any offense relating to prostitution (F.S. Chapter 796), lewdness or indecent exposure (F.S. Chapter 800), obscene literature, profanity (F.S. Chapter 847), any other offense involving sexual misconduct, or any offense relating to a violation of the controlled substance abuse laws (F.S. Chapter 893).


    Any false information provided on the application shall be grounds for denial or revocation of a permit.


    Conviction for any felony or for any offense as set forth in subsection (a)(2) above by the applicant or any person engaged in conducting, managing, carrying on, operating or investing in the service shall be grounds for denial or revocation of the permit.


    Failure to comply with any provision of this article shall be grounds for revocation of any permit issued, upon conviction.


    A suspension of the permit shall be made by the county administrator upon certified information provided by the sheriff's office or other duly authorized law enforcement agency that one (1) or more of the provisions of this article have been violated by the applicant/licensee. A permittee shall not operate its escort service business while the permit is suspended and shall surrender same to the county administrator upon demand.


    Any appeal of a permit denial or revocation shall be made, in writing, to the board of county commissioners within ten (10) business days of the denial/revocation; and the matter shall be heard at a regular meeting of the board of county commissioners with the board acting as the final administrative review agency of the denial/revocation of the permit. At such hearing, the applicant/permittee shall have the opportunity to be heard concerning the denial or revocation of the permit; and the decision of the board of county commissioners shall be final. After the expiration of the ten-day period for the request for an appeal, no administrative right of action shall be afforded to the petitioner.

(Ord. No. 90-38, § 10, 8-14-90)