§ 1-10-202. Term of franchise.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The term of an initial or renewal franchise may be for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) years from the date that the franchise, franchise resolution, or franchise agreement is approved by the board/franchising authority.


    Should the highest court of the nation or state or the U.S. Congress invalidate, void as unenforceable, or rule unconstitutional, the concept of franchise or franchise duration, then the board/franchising authority may adopt emergency rules and regulations consistent with such court ruling or congressional act in order to preserve and protect the rights and duties of both the board/franchising authority and any franchised cable operator. During the interim, the invalid franchise may be considered (unless prohibited by the state) and interpreted in the same manner and fashion as a business license. Upon adoption of emergency rules, the board/franchising authority may enter into a new contract, license, or other written document allowed by both the federal and state governments. Such contract, license, or document should describe the terms and conditions of the relationship between the franchised cable operator and the board/franchising authority and under what circumstances a franchised cable operator may have the right to operate a cable system within all, or part, of the county.

(Ord. No. 97-023, § 1, 4-22-97)